Argentina: Half of Country Without Power After Fire Affects National Power Grid

Argentina Suffers Massive Blackout After Fire Affects Country's National Power Grif

Argentina is suffering a massive heatwave and drought, and this has caused a few fires throughout the country. Now, one of those fires has affected the Argentinian National Power Grid, causing blackouts throughout most of the country.

Koch Brothers, Conservatives & Oil Companies Lobby Against Renewable Energy: More States Using Alternative Solar Power

As more and more states are beginning to utilize solar energy and adapting other clean, green energy solutions, conservative lobbyist groups and oil tycoons have aggressively started pushing back against alternative energy.

Can the U.S. Survive With a Smaller Coal Industry? Some Claim Obama and EPA Is Making Country Vulnerable To Blackouts

Utility officials in charge of the nation's power grid are claiming that President Barack Obama's push to reduce the use and reliance of coal-fired power plants could make the power system vulnerable to future blackouts.
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