Scientists have identified the gene that will help understand why people keep on drinking alcohol while others control their limit after a drink or two has been identified. Researchers claimed their discovery might lead to the development of drugs that could control consumption, possibly even among problem drinkers.

The study was published online Nov. 28 in the proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Through an international study, the gene B-Klotho was identified by UT Southwestern Medical Centre researchers and scientists in Europe. According to researcher Beta-Klotho may curb huge drinking among social drinkers, reported by Pantagraph

"The study surveyed records of more than 105,000 light and heavy social drinkers. They identified a variation in the B- Klotho gene linked to the regulation of social alcohol consumption", said by Dr. David Mangelsdorf, the co-author at UT Southwestern.

According to US News, the scientists used less frequent variant, approximately 40 percent of the people in this study, which is associated with a decreased desire to drink alcohol

According to the World Health Organization report in 2012 about 3.3 million deaths or 5.9 percent of all deaths worldwide were attributable to alcohol consumption.

Study showed that heavy drinking is considered if a person consumes more than 21 drinks per week and more than 14 drinks per week for women. Light drinking is considered to be 14 drinks or less per week for men and seven drinks or less per week for females. "A drink" was equal to a small glass or wine, or a half pint of beer.

Scientists have found a link with the beta-Klotho gene and they claim that it works with other genes called FG21 and FG19.

Researchers found that the genetically altered mice chose alcohol even if they were given the FG21 gene. It goes to show that the hormone's ability to repress the preference for alcohol depend on whether beta-Klotho is present.

The research may lead to the development of drugs that can control alcohol consumption, even in people that suffer from alcoholism.