Pangu has left all its fans wondering if the iOS Jailbreak for 10.1 will arrive or not, the long wait came to end last week when Luca Todesco's 10.1 Jailbreak landed. This has not even been a month and the good news is that 10.2 Jailbreak is already on its way.

It turned out that Pangu had disappointed some of its fans and failed to release the Jailbreak despite the promises appearing on social media. On the other hand Todesco has promised an update and they have taken it one step further stating that they are working on the iOS 10.2 Jailbreak, Value Walk reported.

The best part is that this tool will be ready in order to save those who have already jail-broken and even those who have not.  

According to Forbes, Pangu's jailbreak tools are one of the most trusted in the market. But there have also been other alternatives like Tweakbox and Cydia. Though the jailbreak tools are used by millions, some state that it is still dangerous and the device will not function if things go the wrong way.

The release date for 10.2 jailbreaks is not mentioned but they are surely working on them. It probably might take a month or two and many appear in March 2017, but if this takes place it will be the first time in years where back to back versions of iOS will be jail-broken.

There will be more updates on the progress of iOS 10.2 jailbreak, as for now all the iOS jailbreak lovers are satisfied with Todesco's release last week. With 10.2 jailbreak on its way this will also be one of the shortest gap between the Apple iOS jailbreaks. Pangu might also surprise its fans with new updates or release date as the developers have been silent.