Slowly but surely, 'One Piece' is moving out of the Zou arc to enter a new one with episode 772 'The Legendary Journey - The Dog and the Cat and the Pirate King' shaking things up. Rumors have been confirmed too that after the current arc, the next destination is Whole Cake Island where a new arc starts. This episode aired Sunday and viewers found it a bit slow; some said that they just hanged on as the popular series transitioned to a new arc and adventure for the characters.

Luffy drafts out his plan to retrieve Sanji from Big Mom and then return to forge new alliance to start another journey. He wants to fight Kaido in Wano, according to Anime News Network. His allies agree that retrieving Sanji is essential to winning the battle.

Aside from Luffy's plan, 'One Piece' episode 772 also featured Cat Viper and Dogstorm's back story which dates back when they were still Oden's retainers. Dogstorm also revealed to Nami that Straw Hat is heading to Raftel through the Poneglyphs giving them an edge. Nami is worried about getting off track through the log posse.

Episode 772 has been getting negative reviews online owing to the slow development of the arc with some viewers finding the arc too draining. Others are patiently holding on for the next arc and said that vital information was already revealed to viewers weeks ago.  Meanwhile, Fandom wrote a summary of 'One Piece' episode 772 and has revealed that episode 773 title and air date.

'One Piece' episode 773 is entitled 'The Nightmare Returns - The Invincible Jack's Fierce Attack.' This episode is rumored to be one of the highlights of the Zou arc with Luffy finally reaching Whale Tree and getting Sanji back. Once he succeeds, his plans to battle against Kaido along with his allies will take place. Episode 773 will air on January 22, Sunday at Crunchyroll and Funimation.