"Pokemon Go" players have been waiting a month longer for their expected 100 Gen 2 pocket monsters to arrive, like a lover waiting for the answer of yes to his love interest. It has been recalled that Niantic Lab wanted to bring back their lost players when glitches and updates were dragging the game down last year.

There were promises of regular updates and more characters to search for during Thanksgiving and Christmas. Localized events on partners also helped in bringing back already disappointed players of one of the most popular mobile games.

One of the recent updates from "Pokemon Go" are the eggs from Johto region, where Pokemon Gold and Silver has originated. However, the process of hatching eggs turned off a bit the enthusiasm of its players.

For that reason, Android Community reports that soon these Johto Pokemon need not be on eggs for hatching; confirmation of this news was published in official Pokémon Trainer Club Newsletter. More good news has followed as Pikachu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi, Pichu, Smoochum, and Elekid arrives this week thus the app should be ready and updated for them to appear.

The next exciting news is that according to reports from Yahoo News, a Pokemon Go event on Valentine's Day may be Niantic Lab's chance to reinstate their position as one of the most downloaded game in app stores. Since Valentine's day depicts love and friendship, more of the 100 Gen 2 Pokemon are expected to arrive which carries those themes.

One example is Eevee which evolves into the characters of Umbreon and Espeon in the original Pokemon game. Here, it will evolve by reaching different friendship levels.

Each level corresponds to a different character that Eevee will evolve and what friendship means in "Pokemon Go" may be the current metric it uses to measure the distance already covered while hunting. Although the values are useless for today, it may be useful on Valentine's day to know how much friendship level the player has reached.