There is still a lot to be done in the movie "Avengers: Infinity War" and "Black Panther" as it calls for more extras to fill in some scenes. While it is still a year more to wait for this much-awaited Marvel film, fans can expect a lot from the upcoming movie as teased by the characteristics of their candidates. As its production is starting to screen for their extras, more details in the movie are leaking adding to the anticipation of their avid fans.

Despite some of the actors who cannot help but reveal their roles in the upcoming Marvel film, the storyline is still in question on how they will fight off the power of Thanos. But if the requirements of the extras to hire have the similarities of an Asgardian, then fans can see again Thor's homeland. Based on reports from Comicbook, the production needs men and women ages 18-50, specifically men with long hair and beard, who are not affected by fake blood and can wear special effects makeup.

Applicants are advised to put "VIKING" as subject to their emails, thus a battle scene is expected as Thanos invades Thor's home as Comic Book Movie reports. Much to the excitement of Thor's fans on seeing again his countrymen, the "Avengers: Infinity War" promises different scenes in almost a lot of places.

Meanwhile, "Black Panther" calls on actors of Asian decent-looking, men and women ages 25 to 85. The scene may be a closed-door event or party which includes roles for a bartender, card/game dealers, a beautiful female hostess and event guests. This will add up to the already impressive list of cast for "Black Panther."

Both movies are now situated in Atlanta as the shooting is currently taking place. Black Panther is set to hit theaters on February 16, 2018, and Avengers: Infinity War is scheduled for release on May 4, 2018.