Xbox One's first ever limited edition controller looks like a homage to 'Titanfall' gamers worldwide and it's coming to US fans by March 11 of next year.

Titanfall's website provides a link for the limited edition console, leading fans to Microsoft Store which lists the device as "out of stock." According to the limited edition controller's product page at Microsoft Store, the Titanfall-inspired game piece sells for a hefty $65 - priced a bit more than the SRP for the title.

The Titanfall Xbox One game console is Microsoft's first limited edition console inspired by a game though the company has released limited edition Day One Xbox One consoles on launch day.

"Designed in partnership with Titanfall creator Respawn Entertainment, it's inspired by the C-101 carbine, used by the elite IMC Titan Pilots of the Frontier. Crafted in striking detail for maximum authenticity in color and graphics, the controller looks and feels like an artifact from the world of Titanfall," says the console's Microsoft Store product page.

Meanwhile, the game is currently in "limited alpha trial period" ahead of its March release, reports CVG. The report confirms that Respawn Entertainment has sent out invites to selected players for a limited technical trial. According to CVG, the trial is reportedly "small" and "not open to the public."

"They also stated that players will be forbidden from posting information regarding the trial (although such agreements are often broken as footage and info commonly leak out of closed tests)," adds CVG.

Invites were sent out to several users of game forum NeoGAF through email, CVG says in another report. But those who weren't part of the privileged few to partake in the Titanfall trial might just have a shot at the much-awaited title before release. A tweet from @abbieheppe confirms that an open beta is possible after all.

The game, slated to hit US shelves on and offline March 11, is priced at $59.99 and is available in Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC versions. Microsoft Store offers a $10 Xbox gift card digital code for fans who pre-order the title.