Ubisoft has reportedly created 110 minutes worth of cut scenes for the upcoming title, Kun Chang says on his official website.

"This is the super secret project I have been working on for the last 6 months. I directed the opening and all of the cinematics and also worked as a realization director on the demo," he posted.

The awaited Ubisoft game is confirmed to ship out Spring of this year after its initial 2013 release date was delayed. According to Watch Dogs' website, the "hacker game" casts gamers as Aiden Pearce, "a man shaped by violence and obsessed with surveillance, who monitors his family 24/7 in secret to protect them from something that happened in the past."

Watch Dogs has been gaining traction as of late in terms of how it plays on both Sony and Microsoft's latest game consoles. @shinobi602 earlier tweeted about a certain "hacker game" playing 900p/30FPS on the Xbox One and 1080p/30FPS on the PS4.

Gamers were quick to react to the resolution issue with some commenting that better gameplay on the PS4 was a given and others arguing that resolution doesn't really matter that much at all.

Darren Evans comments, "No surprise here. If you are not bothered about playing at 1080p you shouldnt even be considering next gen.1080p was supposed to be the standard 8 years ago when last gen consoles were released and this time around the xbox one still cant manage it."

On the other hand, D55 remarks, "resolution does not make a game "play better" and I'm fairly certain the quote from Kojima was that MGS "looked" better on PS4, not played better. Not trying to defend the XB1, yes I own one and clearly the PS4 is more powerful / easier to wok with and with better looking games but this whole concept that a resolution can impact game play is a joke really, frame rate yes but resolution, not at all."

Will gamers still be bothered with the upcoming 110-minute Watch Dogs cut scenes resolution-wise?