Amidst the heated PS4 versus Xbox One resolution and frame rate debate, Polish developer CD Projekt Red speaks out on what truly matters in a game.

Speaking with igameresponsibly, the indie studio remarked that good gameplay does not always have to mean top-notch resolution and frame rate.

Asked if a difference in native resolution and a 30 versus 60 fps matter with regards to overall experience, CD Projekt Red told igameresponsibly, "On one hand, I do understand gamers wanting to know about resolutions and frame rates, but, in my opinion, good games are all about gameplay, about that part of the game that stays with you when you shut down your console or PC; about what makes you return to a game and what makes it fun playing it."

And though The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt developer says that a game's lasting impression significantly contributes to the overall gaming experience, the dev admits that resolution and frame rate should also not be undermined.

"It's a different story when a game looks bad or plays choppy but, based on my observations, it's frequently the case of simply feeling better/worse because my hardware is better/worse than your hardware, and not how it really affects gameplay," CD Projekt Red told igameresponsibly.

The indie game studio is slated to release The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt on multiple platforms - Xbox One, PS4 and PC, notes the igameresponsibly report.

The title might play 720p 30 frames-per-second on Microsoft's current gen console while Sony PS4 works hard to keep 1080p, maintaining 900p 30 frames-per-second, if @shinobi602's tweet regarding an "upcoming Polish game" truly points to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

CD Projekt Red has not yet released a definite date and price for the third installment of the title but according to igameresponsibly, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt will be out sometime this year.

Watch the upcoming Polish game's debut trailer and a VGX trailer in the videos below.