Latin Entrepreneurship

Apple iPhone 4s iOS 7

iOS vs. Android in Spain: Google Smartphone OS at 86 Percent, Easily Crushed Apple iOS, Microsoft Windows Phone, Says Kantar

When in Spain, Google's smartphone operating system may be on most of the population's devices based on new market share figures.
hispanic enrollment in college pew report

іHACER! Launches New Website to Help Latinos in Miami Prepare for College

The Lumina Foundation for Education is partnering with dozens of organizations and educational institutions to launch a new website serving South Florida Latino students, called the Hispanic Access to College Education Project, or "¡HACER!".
CNN Latino

CNN Shutters CNN Latino, Becoming the Second Mainstream Media Source in 2014 to End Its Latino-Focused News Division

CNN is shuttering its CNN Latino division, becoming the second mainstream media outlet to shutter its Latino-focused news subsidiary in as many months this year.
Twitter logo

Twitter Transparency Report 2013: U.S. Information Requests Decreased, But Easily No. 1 in Worldwide Requests

Twitter released its latest transparency report highlighting trends in government request for its user's account information.
Nokia Smartphone

Mexico Tops Smartphone Market in Latin America With 50 Percent Growth in 2013, Becomes Interest for Mobile Ad Marketers

Smartphone usage in Mexico has led to the country become an interest to mobile marketers.
Apple iPhone 5c

Apple vs. Samsung Sales Figures: Apple Inc. (AAPL) No. 1 in OEM Market Share as Samsung Ranked Second; HTC Falls Hard, Says comScore

Americans own 156 million smartphones, but it is evidently a battle between Apple against Google and Samsung for the U.S. market share.

ImpreMedia Launch for Growing Mobile Audience Wanting Celebrity Content Worldwide

A new celebrity photo-based website has been created for the U.S. Hispanic market, and it's designed for mobile audiences as well. ImpreMedia announced the launch of, and it'll feature celebrity content from around the world.

Panama Canal Expansion: Negotiations With Panama Break Down, Project in Danger of Collapsing

The Panama Canal, the 100-year-old waterway that changed commerce in the Western hemisphere, has been undergoing an expansion to allow bigger, modern shipping boats through the Central American country. But that expansion is reportedly now on the "brink of failure" after cost overruns have caused infighting between the contractors and Panama's government.

iOS vs. Android vs. Windows Phone in Latin America: Google Mobile OS Hits 84 Percent as Windows Phone, iOS Decline, Says Kantar

Google's mobile operating system continued to show its dominance among smartphones in across major global markets including Latin America.

National Hispanic Media Coalition on FCC Doubling Funding for School Internet Program

The Federal Communications Commission announced that it plans to double the money it's spending on faster internet connections in public schools and libraries. The initiative was part of President Obama's State of the Union address, where he promised that 15,000 schools would get faster, better internet access.
Social Media Logos

Hispanics' Social Media Know-how Has Captivated Marketers

Latinos are at the helm of social media; a fact that was confirmed by a 2013 Pew Report that indicated that 80 percent of Hispanic adults in the U.S. use social media, which is more than whites (70 percent) and African Americans (75 percent).
Telefónica firefox os smartphones

Telefónica and Firefox OS Team Up to Bring Line App to Latin American Customers

Firefox Operating System and Telefónica just made a deal to bolster its entry into the burgeoning Latin American wireless market. Telefónica and FireFox just announced a partnership with Line, a calling and messaging app, that will give Telefónica subscribers with Firefox OS phones exclusive access.
Apple A7 chip

Apple Patent Lawsuit: Apple Inc. Sued By University of Wisconsin Over A7 Processor Chip in iPhone 5s, iPad Air, iPad Mini 2

Apple Inc. has been hit with another patent infringement lawsuit but this time from over the development of the new A7 chip.
Honduran rain forest

Latin American Drug Trade Ruining Ecosystems in Central America

The illegal drug trade in Latin America is hurting precious rainforests in more ways than previously known about, according to a scientific new study released this week.
Hackathon for Cuba in Miami, Latinos in tech, entrepreneurs

Hackathon for Cuba Brings Latino Entrepreneurs, Programmers Together to Help Cubans Without Internet

Cuba is one of the least connected countries in the western hemisphere when it comes to the internet. That's why technology experts and programmers are meeting in South Florida for the first ever "Hackathon for Cuba."
Super Bowl

Super Bowl 2014 Firsts: Spanish Language Broadcast and Live Streaming Online

With the kick off of the Super Bowl XLVIII 2014 just hours away, you might be wondering how to get the game if you don't have a decent television or signal - or are going to be at work or on the go during most of it. Don't worry, there's now an app for that - as well as an interesting app to voice your opinions about the Super Bowl commercials.

Verizon Transparency Report 2013: International Customer Data Requests Revealed as Colombia Government Demand Websites Blocked

With customer information privacy becoming a major concern with many in society, Verizon released a transparency report for its international businesses.
Juan Diego Calle .co CEO Latino Startup, website

Why ICANN's Explosion of Domain Extensions Will Help Existing Competitors of ".Com": Exclusive Interview with ".CO" CEO Juan Diego Calle

The internet is about to erupt with thousands of new domain name extensions, supplementing the familiar ".com" with new website address endings from ".company" to ".photography." Juan Diego Calle, CEO of ".CO", a preexisting domain focused on startups, tells LatinPost why he's not scared of the sudden increase in competing web suffixes.
latino startup alliance LSA, tech entrepreneurs

Latino Startup Alliance is Going National with Help from Hispanicize

The Latino Startup Alliance (LSA), a non-profit founded to support Latino tech entrepreneurs get their startups off the ground, is joining with Latino PR and news wire Hispanicize to expand its non-profit organization nationally.

Apple vs. Samsung Patent Lawsuit: Samsung Avoids Legal Troubles, Sanctions After Apple Inc. Documents Leak

Samsung Electronics Co. dodged another legal trouble in California as the courts ruled not to punish the South Korean company for the leaks of Apple Inc. documents.
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