Latin Entrepreneurship

Technology and How it Mirrors the History of Latino Growth

Latinos are not belated when it comes to utilizing electronics and handheld devices. And, Pew Research Center’s recent analysis of three of their surveys supports this claim, stating that a majority of Latinos own smartphones and other mobile devices, access the Web, and visit social networking sites from remote gadgets at a higher rate than other groups of Americans.

How to Foster the Latino Entrepreneurial Spirit

Being an entrepreneur in an already competitive landscape may seem daunting to some, especially for many Latinos who aren't graduating with engineering degrees or start-up mentalities, but with a different outlook and approach, you can foster an entrepreneurial spirit.

Mark Zuckerberg's DREAMer Hackathon to Give Tech Savvy Immigrants a Platform to Shine

When you combine innovative tech gurus like Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg, Dropbox's Drew Houston, Microsoft's Bill Gates and LinkedIn's Reid Hoffman with creative thinkers who are passionate and directly affected by immigration reform in the U.S., you have a powerful formula geared towards change.
Juan Diego Calle

Juan Diego Calle will Undo .COM with .CO

Juan Diego Calle began his first business, TeRespondo in his garage with his brother. He had no money, but he did have a great deal of technological savvy. Now, the owner of his second business, .CO, he runs his enterprise from the confines of a relaxed Miami office space, with 20 employees under his belt.
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