Michael Jordan Turns 60, Gives $10 Million to Make-A-Wish, Sets Record Donation

Michael Jordan Sets Make-A-Wish Donation Record When He Turned 60

Michael Jordan just turned 60 years old, and he was feeling very charitable as the 6-time NBA champion made a $10 million donation to Make-A-Wish America. This sets the charity's record for the highest individual contribution in its 43-year history.
Former Make-a-Wish CEO Arrested for Stealing Money From Charity for Sick Children

Former Make-a-Wish CEO Arrested for Stealing Money for Sick Children From Charity

The former head of a charity for sick children has been arrested on three felony charges, accusing her of embezzling tens of thousands of dollars from the Make-A-Wish charity, which is a charity known to support sick children.
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