The Major League Baseball All Star game is a special event for the fans because it's one of the few occurrences where the public actually has a say. Every year, fans from multiple countries can choose what players they believe deserve to play in the annual All Star event.

The 2014 MLB All Star game will be played at Target Field on July 15 in Minneapolis.

First, let's break down the American League so far.

Mike Trout has the most votes among fans with over 1.3 million. Just barely trailing him by a few thousand votes is Jose Bautista. Trout has 11 home runs, 38 RBIs and a .294 batting average. Bautista has been just as good with 14 home runs and 40 RBIs and a .311 average. Bautista has made the last four All Star games. There's no doubt that both of these players will be heading to Target Field in July.

The third player in the American League with over one million votes is Derek Jeter. Jeter obviously isn't having his greatest season, but he is a fan favorite amongst viewers and players in a big market. Jeter has always played the game the right way and is the leading vote-getter for American League shortstops.

The big surprise in the American League is Edwin Encarnacion. The Blue Jays slugger made history when he hit 17 home runs in May, tying Mickey Mantle. Encarnacion currently has less than 400,000 votes and is fourth among designated hitters.

In the National League, there are a lot of close races.

Shortstop Troy Tulowitzki is the leading vote getter in the entire league with over 1.4 million votes. Tulowitzki has been on fire this year, batting .350 at the plate and has also hit 14 home runs. His power numbers rank near the top in almost every category. The only player to hit the million vote mark in the National League is Yadier Molina. Molina, a Puerto Rico native, has been guiding the Cardinals to victories with his outstanding defense and timely hits. Molina has made the last five All Star games.

And then of course there's Yasiel Puig. Puig is the most exciting player in all of baseball with his diving catches, great hits and, sometimes, weird behavior. The 23-year-old Puig is batting an exceptional .340 so far and has the Dodgers in contention to make the playoffs. The National League doesn't give us many huge surprises, but David Wright may be the biggest. Wright has received the second most votes among third basemen, but he has struggled for much of the season. It's also a bit surprising to not see a single Chicago Cubs player listed. The Cubs are obviously one of the worst teams in all of baseball, but they are also one of the most popular and play in a big market.

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