With coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) affecting the way schools will reopen, some students may be uncomfortable starting the fall semester online. If you school is one of those who chose to shift partly or fully online, these tips may help you address the unique challenges that comes with online classes.

(Photo : Image by Tumisu from Pixabay )

Hopefully, these will help you get your learning experience better even though you're not allowed to go out due to the threats posed by the virus.

1. Treat it like any other "real" class

Since there isn't a study hall to quietly walk away from, taking your laptop to bed and dozing off is a real risk. You have to have the dedication to tell yourself, "I'm going to sit down and learn".

You may be given the option to complete your work any time but that does not excuse you to put it off indefinitely. It's better to accomplish your school work first before binging on a series on Netflix.

2. Know that you're in this with others

Interacting with your professor on-screen can be unnerving, especially if it's your first time. But keep in mind that it's probably your professor's first time too.

They might have some hiccups throughout the course as well so don't feel too bad if you experience some along the way.

3. Plan ahead

If you can familiarize yourself with the classroom software before the start of the class, do it. Log in early and do a test run.

If you are given notes prior to the start of classes, look at the syllabus and study in advance. Set all the reminders you need so you don't forget anything and check on your progress regularly.

4. Set up a suitable study area and optimize your internet

It helps to have a space in your home only for studying. It keeps you organized.

Make sure the area has high-speed internet connection, all your required books, materials and software, and headphones to listen to lectures. Make sure the station works best for you.

Don't panic when your internet gets disconnected. It's not ideal but, if worse comes to worst, use your phone as a backup.

5. Lessen distractions and beware of what others can see or hear

The best way to learn from online classes is to lessen distractions.

If you're a fan of multiple chat windows, during online classes is the best time to start closing them. Log off other sites and stay off online games for a while.

If you need to play music to drown out the noises in your house, do it; if you work best in total silence, start looking for a location that is quiet.

6. Learn how to message people privately and mute your audio

Tuning out noise isn't just for you; it also helps the people in the virtual class with you.

This also goes for things people might see on your camera. Take down inappropriate posters or clean up your messy room in the background.

As for audio, background noise can be distracting for students so mute your mic if you're not going to ask something. Just remember to unmute if you want to participate.

7. Participate

Learning is a two-way street. While you can't do a full one-on-one session with your professor during a virtual class, it might help if you ask for clarification on topics that confuse you.

In the end, you have to step up and make sure the things taught to you through online means do not go to waste.

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