The Dallas Cowboys haven't made the playoffs since 2009. Only twice in their franchise history have they failed to make the playoffs five consecutive seasons. The first time was from 1960-1964 and the second time was from 1986 to 1990. This upcoming Cowboys squad doesn't want to be on the wrong side of franchise history, yet again.

But this season doesn't show much promise for America's Team. The lack of defense, salary cap issues, injuries, and coaching questions still remain.

Last season, the Cowboys ranked dead last overall in team defense, 30th in pass defense, and 27th in run defense. In other words, this defense is awful.

Not only is the defense among the worst in the National Football League, but it got even worse this off-season. Seven-time Pro Bowler DeMarcus Ware is no longer with the team after Jerry Jones released him. Ware didn't have his best season in 2013, but he was still a great player who brought in six sacks. There were also times when Ware would draw double teams, which is impressive for his age.

Ware is the all-time sack leader for the Cowboys with 117.

Sean Lee, who was a second round pick in 2010 is sidelined yet again. Serving as the team's defensive captain and a good middle linebacker, Lee has been injured many times before, but he did start and play 11 games last season for the Cowboys. Lee was one of the best tacklers on the team and amazingly led the team in interceptions with four; it's not very common a linebacker leads the team in interceptions.

The Cowboys are now going forward without Lee and Ware, their two best defensive players over the last few seasons. Is it possible the worst defense in the NFL actually got worse?

Of course, the Cowboys offense is what's most responsible for the team's victories over the last decades, but even that has some concerns. Pro Bowl quarterback Tony Romo is coming off back surgery, so nobody really knows how he will react. In the last three years, Romo has 90 touchdowns and 39 interceptions, but still the Cowboys haven't been able to make the playoffs with him dominating on the field.

The Cowboys do benefit from playing in a division that hasn't been very good in recent years; teams in the NFC East have not been playing like they were in the '80s and '90s. The Washington Redskins still have a lot to improve upon and the Philadelphia Eagles lost star wide receiver DeSean Jackson. The Cowboys were 5-1 again the division last year. If the Cowboys were to make the playoffs this season, they would have to do it by dominating from within the division.

This could very well be the final season for head coach Jason Garrett. Garrett has been with the team for four seasons and has zero playoff appearances, let alone a playoff win. With so many salary cap problems and so little room to rebuild, maybe Jerry Jones should consider hiring a general manager.

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