Apple has released a list of its top downloaded apps of 2015 for both the iPhone and iPad. Some of the top apps were rather predictable, while others were surprising.

The top free app for both the iPhone and the iPad was a game, according to data from the Apple App Store. The top downloaded free app for the iPhone was Trivia Crack. For the iPad it was Crossy Road - Endless Arcade Hopper.

Top 10 Free iPhone Apps

No. 1: Trivia Crack This is a social trivia game that challenges players to answer a variety of questions in topics like sports, history, geography and science.

No. 2: Messenger. This is Facebook's chat app for mobile devices. It is separate from the Facebook app.

No. 3: Dubsmash. This is a video-sharing program that helps users send videos to their friends with well-known quotes and sounds.

No. 4: Instagram. This is a photo-sharing app owned by Facebook that allows users to share pictures, follow celebrities, comment on pictures and chat.

No. 5: Snapchat. This is a quick photo sharing app that has become extremely popular. Snaps disappear after just a few seconds after they are viewed.

No. 6: YouTube. This is a video-viewing app that includes millions of videos on almost any topic.

No. 7: Facebook. The extremely popular social network with over 1 billion users worldwide.

No. 8: Uber. The ride-sharing app that lets users request a ride in participating cities.

No. 9: Crossy Road: The Endless Hopper. This is a game similar to Frogger, but it has players helping a chicken cross the road.

No. 10: Google Maps. The maps and navigation app that helps users get around.

Top 10 Free iPad Apps

No. 1: Crossy Road: The Endless Hopper

No. 2: Candy Crush Soda Saga. This is the popular bubble breaking game that has remained popular since 2011 with more levels.

No. 3: Messenger

No. 4: Netflix. The leading streaming video app with original TV shows, popuar and indie movies.

No. 5: YouTube

No. 6: The Calculator: Free. The basic calculator for the iPad.

No. 7: Microsoft Word. The word processing program from Microsoft.

No. 8: Trivia Crack

No. 9: Skype for iPad. This is the videoconferencing software that allows for free webcam chat.

No. 10: Pinterest. This is the popular social networking site where people create "boards" based on their favorite things and hobbies.