If political correctness is not in your taste palate, you are more than welcome to dine at the Berryhill Baja Grill, a Texan restaurant that specializes in Mexican cuisine that declared itself as "politically incorrect."

In an age where almost everything offends everybody, one establishment proudly declares it's politically incorrect.

As reported by Business Insider, the restaurant notice read: "Notice. This store is politically incorrect. We say Merry Christmas, God Bless America, we salute our flag & give thanks to our troops, police officers and firefighters. If this offends you, you are welcome to leave. In God We Trust."

When CEO Jeff Anon was asked by ABC News why he did this, he said that he got tired of all the news of everyone having to be politically correct and added that there is absolutely nothing wrong in saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays."

It's also interesting to note that Anon is not even Christian since he declared that he is Jewish. "When people say 'Merry Christmas' they're being nice," Anon, who is Jewish, added. "They're not trying to be politically incorrect or have religious beliefs."

He added that the last straw for him was the criticism that Starbucks received last month over its red holiday-themed cups.

Anon said, "It was called 'a politically correct coffee cup,' [Starbucks didn't] put typical Christmas decorations on the coffee cups. I was sort of thinking to myself, we have a lot of problems going on in the world, and for people to be worried about whether there is a Christmas decoration on the coffee cup or not seemed pretty absurd to me."

The Berryhill Baja Grill have been decorated with holiday decor, which even included Hanukkah decorations. He said that for every negative response for the signs, there "hundreds" of positive ones.

To support the CEO's claim, The Inquistr noted that the response from around the country to the viral politically incorrect warning has been mostly favorable.

Anon also said that they are not trying to bring religion into the workplace and has nothing to do with religion, citing that they are only doing it for the "spirit of the holidays."

In addition, an Ohio store, Schuler's Bakery, also posted a sign with the same language back in November, and, apparently, so did many other establishments all across the U.S.

In an ever growing call for equality and political correctness, one restaurant decided to go against the norm. And with the spirit of the holidays still in full effect, are you willing to support this proudly "politically incorrect" establishment?