Mortal Kombat X developers are looking to improve the game's online mode in an otherwise flawless release. Online matches often suffer from considerable lag during fights, and even entering a match can be difficult.

Developers are reaching out for help from players in order to identify problems and improve the online feature of the game, Cinema Blend reports.

Lagging Issues

NetherRealm Studios, the game's developer, is looking for ways to improve Mortal Kombat X's netcode in order to solve the lagging issues that many users around the world have experienced.

Testers Wanted

NetherRealm says that they want their online mode to be at the same quality of play as other games in the fighting genre. They said they will start a beta test to allow current players to test out the new netcode.

"We are attempting to move away from the dynamic input latency model towards a model that preserves the feel of an offline game more accurately while playing online and maintains a consistent input response," NetherRealm community specialist Tyler Lansdown said in a YouTube video.

"The model we are moving to is similar in function to the GGPO model and could be described as a roll-back, simulate-forward model. This means our engine will not have to wait for both players to agree on input before drawing its results to the screen. This creates a smoother gameplay experience and diminishes the feeling of lag in online play."

Players who are interested in participating in the beta need to sign up by Jan. 19. Volunteers will test input latency, lag, hit detection and network response timing during the beta.

Tournaments are Coming

The new and improved online system comes as Mortal Kombat X prepares for several major tournaments later this year. Developers want the online play issues to be solved by then.

The game also recently released four new characters through downloadable content (DLC).