Isidro Medrano Garcia reportedly abducted and raped his girlfriend's 15 year old daughter. As per Los Angeles Times' report, Garcia held the teenager mentally captivated and convinced her to stay with him for 10 years. The prosecutor's office then added that Garcia married the teen and fathered her child.

During Garcia's trial in the Fullerton courtroom, Whitney Bokosky, a deputy district attorney, opened her statement stating that what Garcia did was a form of manipulation. Back in August 2014, Bokosky mentioned that Garcia confined the teenager inside a Compton garage. He would then beat her up every time she would try to escape.

Bokosky told the jurors that the teenager saw her mom being physically assaulted by Garcia and feared that she would come across the same fate if she's escape. She was confused and highly vulnerable as she was raised in Mexico before moving to the United States, without any legal documents. The teenager also doesn't know how to speak English which made things even harder for her when it comes to escaping Garcia.

Garcia's case made the headlines after the teenager went to the authorities and reported the abuse back in 2014. He used to live with his then girlfriend and her daughter in 2014, but by the time his girlfriend's daughter (who eventually became his wife) turned 15, Garcia reportedly started sexually assaulting her.

According to Latino Fox News, Bokosky told the jurors that Garcia threatened the girl that she would be deported and her child would be taken away from her if she would seek help from the authorities.

In addition to the report, after a heated family argument between Garcia and his girlfriend (the teenager's mother whom Garcia reportedly kidnapped), Garcia took the teenager to live with him in a garage with a fake ID to make her appear older.

Garcia married the teenager after she became pregnant with their first child. Isidro Garcia previously worked as a janitor and a machine operator wherein his workmates and colleagues would refer to him as a hard-working man. His neighbors were shocked upon knowing that Garcia is being charged of rape and kidnapping as they'd refer to him as an ideal family man who worked hard to support his wife and family.

As per Garcia's defense attorney, all these claims were nothing but lies as the teenager and Garcia had a happy relationship that eventually started to crumble. The teenager's cry for help was her way of leaving Garcia after she got fed up with their relationship.

Seth Bank, Garcia's deputy public defender, showed jurors some of the couple's family photos wherein he and the teenager looked happy. Bank even pointed out that the teenager was the dominant person in their relationship.

"He really, truly loved her, It was true, genuine affection," Bank told the Jurors. "He never raped her and he never kidnapped her."

As per LA Times, the trial is expected to continue sometime next week.