The second Presidential debate was one of the most remarkable debates in the history of American politics, perhaps this debate is not in the line of American politics.This debate did the base of bitter partisanship and personal venom that has rationally grown like weeds over the pile of American government. It characterized two of the most despised candidates in modern history taking lumps out of each other- with an assertion of sexual assault and resisting rape and countered allegations of fraud and mendacity.

The primary exchange of fire in the wake of the release of Trump's rudely offensive remarks captured on videotape on Friday. In this video, Trump apparently threatened to put Mrs. Clinton in jail if he has come to power. Some have commented, it looks like something close to an unprecedented authoritarian turn in American politics. This comment was as electrifying as anything in a presidential debate.

Once that dust had settled,  though, Mr. Trump succeeded , did much better than he did in the first debate, in striking more sharply to Mrs. Clinton on vital policy issues of immigration ,foreign policy, and health problem. Mr.Trump was thinner on his feet and had some of the memorable lines in his speech of the night. His skating of Clinton calling her Abraham Lincoln of her wall street speeches won impulsive applause and laughter from different sides of the hall.

The two presidential candidates are somehow managed to end with a kind of word for each other and both had denied making handshake each other at the start of the debate.

But this was raw and angry politics as the blood sport and served perhaps only to underscore even more how unappetizing political debate has become.

That concludes 90 minutes of a feisty presidential debate .The third and the final round of debate will be on October 19.