Blizzard is jumping in on the holiday spirit, giving Overwatch players a new event.Called Winter Wonderland, this holiday-themed update promises to give players a time full of gifts and cheer.

Initially teased through an invitation sent to players, the King's Row map will be receiving a major update, now reflecting the winter theme. The usual decorations for the season, from wreaths to icicles, could be seen from all over. Even the payload has been updated to resemble Santa's sleigh.

A new game mode will be introduced for the event as well, aptly named Snow Brawl. In this six on six match, players will be taking control of Mei, with her weapon configured to shoot snowballs. What is interesting about the brawl, according to Tech Times, is that after every shot made, players need to look for a snow pile to reload. Upon reaching her ultimate, though, the snowball-shooter becomes semi-automatic, capable of firing unlimited amounts of snowballs.    

Another neat addition to the event are the updated loot boxes. Common in every seasonal event, these loot boxes are available while playing the game, though an option to purchase the contents via coins is also offered.

As for the contents, they include several interesting prizes. A lot of unlockable content has been placed on the loot boxes, including sound bites and victory poses. On top of that, 13 characters will be receiving new skins, in line with the holiday season. Pharah dons an ice-themed armor, while Zenyatta sports a costume taken from the story Nutcracker. Winston becomes a convincing yeti, though Roadhod would not be an ideal reindeer to pull Santa Torbjorn's sleigh.

With all the good things packed on the event, it is only available for a limited time. According to Game Rant, players have until January 2 to enjoy Winter Wonderland.

 Overwatch and the Winter Wonderland event is available for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.