World of Warcraft has already gained a much-appreciated place among all other exclusive titles of Blizzard Entertainment. The tremendous action saga is best loved for its extreme battle contents. Plenty of latest substances were rumoured from the last October to be equipped alongside the title. The latest insights gathered from numerous potential sources suggest that the alleged update will soon be reflected on the game's hud for those who are eagerly waiting to enjoy those gameplay flicks.

According to GamenGuide, Blizzard Entertainment's official community manager for action sagas Ornyx revealed that the long-awaited thread named as 'Nighthold' is scheduled for a mid-January release. Although, there are not much traces have been revealed by the community about the update. But it is thought that immense advancement will be seen with the heroic and battlefield contents of the game.

The title is also said to evolve the update in North America on January 17th, 2017 and in European region by January 18th, 2017. Recent reports also state that the next "World of Warcraft" update will also have raid tuning for Trial of Valor, most especially for the Heroic and Mythic difficulties, which Ornyx said that this will aid players in accomplishing the Trials. Also, the Raid Finder and Mythic difficulty will succeed not far after. The said contents are believed to be more thrilling and exciting enough, although the release date for all these is still awaited. Official confirmation is expected to come soon.

According to Polygon, World of Warcraft saw legion patches 7.15 and 7.2 in last month. Although, the patches have had already revealed several issues. Most of the gamers who indulged in the gameplay mode alongside these two November 2016 patches reported of sudden crashes and certain discrepancy in the game's playtime. 

Therefore, it is expected by professional gaming geeks and experts that this 'Nighthold' patch would be something which can balance the loss and thereby make the title more incredible. However, to know the answers for all hardly drawn speculations gamers have to wait for a few more days until the update is officially unveiled.