While he didn't have a lot of screen time, it's still nearly impossible for most Star Wars fans to hold back their excitement over seeing Darth Vader appearing once more during "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story." This just makes sense since Darth Vader is one of the most iconic movie characters ever.

According to IGN, Rogue One is Vader's first live-action movie appearance since we have witnessed Anakin Skywalker fall to the Dark Side of the Force in Revenge of the Sith. But what happened during those two decades in-between?

We have gathered some theories made by some famous Star Wars fans and analysts about Darth Vader's actions in-between "Revenge of the Sith" and Rogue One.

Stranded with Sidious

Five years after Order 66 took place, Darth Vader was still close enough to his old life to occasionally dwell and think back on it. This perhaps explains why the Emperor has been sticking so closely to his apprentice during this timeframe. Along the way, Vader gets to show his incredible power during this mission, destroying his foes in a way that would add to his legend. Along with this, he also gets stranded during this specific mission, which would also explain his long-time absence.

Spending Time with Tarkin

Shortly after the events on Ryloth, Darth Vader would, again, be assigned on a mission with another key Imperial figure, Moff Tarkin. Initially, Vader was as cold to Tarkin as he was to every other Imperial officer, but during their journey, the two developed a mutual respect for each other. While Tarkin kept it to himself, he was also smart enough to realize that Vader was just like his old Clone Wars ally, Anakin Skywalker.

Overseeing the Inquisitors

According to Heavy, Darth Vader was seen personally giving orders to the Grand Inquisitor, one of many agents used to wipe out any remnants of the Jedi who had escaped. But unfortunately, the Grand Inquisitor was killed in battle, leading Vader to personally accompanying Grand Moff Tarkin to planet Lothal.