The Elder Scrolls Online may have tightened its treasures with tough unlocking modes and levels, but it seems a dataminer is turning to be hard on their spells.The fan of datamining saga title recently claimed that he has cracked the key and has found where the MMO is going next: Vvardenfell, the setting zone of The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind.  

According to Polygon, the discovery was revealed by the dataminer in tthe Elder Scrolls subreddit where stated about the map which points out the exact places of tilesets for Hiaalu, Redoran, Telvanni, Vivec and Molag Mar. The title names are much familiar to Morrowind fans. Dwemer ruins and Dunmer strongholds also are on the table. 

As per a report by Mobile & Apps, the revealed insights surely indicates some more twisting and thrilling additions in the gameplay to look forward to this as an amazing future update. As per reports, this will open gates for more items, monsters, new NPCs, quests and more improved skill sets in The Elder Scrolls.

The Redditor cum dataminer, further stated that the volcanic peak dubbed as 'Red Mountain' which is situated in the center region of the island seems to be inaccessible whereas, "the northern ashlands around Urshilaku are along with Molag Amur." accessible.

As per a few potential sources, The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind will complete its 15th anniversary in 2017 only. The ceremony will be marked in the upcoming month of May. PCGamesN even suggested this celebration time as a perfect moment for evolving Vvardenfell into MMO. The Elder Scrolls Online edition actually launched in April 2014 beginning with Windows PC platforms. Later, in June 2015, the online version saw its unveiling on the console platforms as well. The game has already achieved to an unalterable peak of popularity loaded with appreciations from gamers all around.