DC is catching up now with every film turning into a cinematic universe as started by Marvel. Next to their line up is 2018's The Flash solo film and many are excited to see Ezra Miller running hasty errand with his new found powers. Now, as such, many are expecting that great villains would be also be on par with The Flash and a Reverse Flash as villain surfaces which would be a match for the lightning.

According to Comic Book, now that Ezra Miller is Barry Allen in DC Extended Universe, many think of a formidable villain to combat him in presence of Reverse Flash. Now, this news is still pure speculation but the Reverse Flash has already been featured in the television show series. In CW, he was played by Eobard Thawne as a speedster from the future that goes back in time due to his grudge with Barry Allen. His sole mission is to murder Barry Allen's mother which may prove hard.

Anyway, it would be like Warner Bros. DC Extended Universe will use the same people in their upcoming movies. However, a slight information on who were casted could do some excitement for the fans of the show to keep trail on their progress.

Meanwhile, IGN reports that Justice League is keeping the Central City as locale in the movie. As confirmed by Fabian Wagner, a specific sign behind him reads "Central City: City Limit" which may be a way to tell audience that Barry Allen's home might be a battle stage for the ensemble against Steppenwolf.

If such is true, it can be good since Justice League will be release this year's November while The Flash solo film is set to hit theaters on March 2018 and may continue the story of Justice League.

Stay tuned for more updates.

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