Researchers finally discovered and built the first ever high-dimensional quantum cloning machine. The researchers discovered clues to assist the network administrators in protecting the quantum computing networks from the hackers and the quantum cloning machine can help intercept a secure message.

As observed by a team of researchers at the University of Ottawa, during the 2016 US elections, protecting the traditional computer system that uses zeros and ones, from the hackers is totally not a perfect science. Indian Express reported that in the complex dimension of quantum computing, where just a bits of information can simultaneously hold several states beyond zeros and one, a clear potential threat that is becoming even trickier to follow.

The high-dimensional quantum cloning machine that was built by Ottawa researchers is capable of performing the quantum hacking to intercept a secure quantum message. Ebrahim Karimi, a professor at the University of Ottawa, stated that once they were able to analyze the results, they discovered several important clues to help protect the quantum computing networks.

Science Daily reported that the quantum system provides the safest data transmission. Even up till now, there are a lot of attempts made to copy data from the quantum computers. But it all just resulted into either completely deteriorated or altered versions of the original data that was being transmitted.

The team of Karimi was successful to clone the protons that have the job to transmit some information called "qubits." Qubits means, the clones were the exact replicas of the original data. Kimiri revealed the clues they have found in how to protect the quantum computing from hacking.

A doctor student from Ottawa University, Frédéric Bouchard stated that when huge amounts of quantum information are being encoded in a single photon, the copies of it will get worse and the aid of hacking made even simpler to detect. Bouchard added that they also made to show that the cloning attacks actually produce specific noises in a safe quantum communication channel.

By ensuring the photons have the largest and huge amount of information possible, and by monitoring these noises helps strengthen the quantum computing networks from any hacking threats. Further, the quantum hacking threats could actually help to study quantum communication system or how to study how quantum information travels from various quantum computer networks.