Fans have been waiting for "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" with great anticipation. Several questions remain unanswered and episode VIII will quench some of the curiosity. One query that is almost on everyone's mind is the truth about Rey's origins. Until "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" hits the movie theaters, fan theories are making up for it.

According to NME, Disney CEO Bob Iger has allegedly seen "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" already.  Hannah Sampson, associate editor of Skift revealed Bob Iger called the movie "a great next chapter in the iconic Skywalker family saga."

According to Digital Spy, the latest theory that has been going around the block is drawing a connection between Rey, a Star Wars Rebels character, and actor Benicio del Toro's unrevealed character.

Darth Hodor is a Reddit user and a fan who believes that del Toro will play the adult version of Ezra Bridger in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi". Ezra Bridger is one of the stars of the ongoing Rebels cartoon. Bridger is a Jedi who is training under a Rebel Alliance fighter Kanan Jarrus.  Jarrus is one of the few survivor Padawans from the Great Jedi Purge in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. Bridger fights is a part of a Rebel cell.

According to the theory, Rey can very well be Bridger's daughter in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi".  Luke Skywalker sent Rey into hiding to protect her after Bridger took the path of the dark side. The connection further deepens when Bridger takes the perfect revenge on Luke for estranging Rey from himself. In retaliation, Bridger then becomes a part of corrupting Luke's nephew, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren.

The theory adds that Rey will ultimately find herself attracted towards the dark side, crushing all of Luke's effort to save her. Meanwhile, Ren will be redeemed because of his role in the upcoming "Star Wars: The Last Jedi."

 "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" will hit the theaters on December 15, 2017. It will star Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker, Carrie Fisher as General Leia Organa, Adam Driver as Kylo Ren, and Daisy Ridley as Rey.