NASA scientists are now looking for new moons to explore and new potential habitat for humans as well. Reports suggest that the Jupiter's icy moon Europa may the next big thing for humanity's space agency and could be the next thing called "Home," as the moon has a salty ocean beneath its crust that able to produce hydrogen and oxygen.

NASA has announced the initial findings of report pertaining to the potential science value of a lander on Jupiter's icy moon surface, Europa. The report noted that the agency is now engaging the broader science community to open a talk about the findings, this was according to the report received earlier this week.

There are over 21 scientists that NASA asked last year to build and conceptualize the lander that destined to land and programmed to Europa. 8 months later, the group of 21 scientists handed their report to the space agency stating: "The primary goal is to search for any evidence of life on Europa."

The other goals are also to access the habitability of Jupiter's Europa analyzing the materials from the surface, as per the report of DigitalTrends. Studying and characterizing the following to support future robotic exploration that may be conducted in Europa and its ocean.

Scientists' pointed out that the icy moon is one of the places in the solar system that is able to sustain life, as Europa has a salty ocean under its crust. The evidence gathered is pointing to a stronger likelihood that Europa's subsurface water can actually support life, The Space Reporter has reported.

The report further claimed that Europa is capable of producing the hydrogen and oxygen. The scientists also believed that the moon is hospitable to living organisms. There are already plans for a solar-powered Europa multiple flyby mission and is now currently slated for launch by early 2020's.

The said mission is to seek the capacity of Europa's habitability. NASA stated that the Europa multiple flyby mission will arrive at Jupiter after a multi-year travel.