"One Piece" 859 will focus on the initial phase of the plan on how to save Sanji from becoming Pudding's husband. The episode will see the birth of an interim partnership between Luffy and Bege as they fight Big Mom in an effort to stop the wedding. The previous chapter showed the two ready to work together to stop Big Mom and rescue Sanji but what they don't know is that they are in for a huge problem.

In chapter 857, Jinbe recommended that Luffy, Sanji and the Straw Hats work with Bege, Blasting News reported. A lot of the members of the Straw Hats disagreed with the collaboration but Luffy decided that they should meet with Bege to get things over with. Luffy and Bege were about to start a fight again when Jinbe reminded them that they are wasting time. Their angers should be directed at Big Mom and not at each other. With the two at the end of their ropes, fans could expect great action in "One Piece" 859.

Before "One Piece" 859, Chiffon explained in great detail how Big Mom became huge, Games&Anime  reported. Chiffon said that as Lola was about to be married to a prince of the giant race of Elbaf named Loki, she ran away. Big Mom hated Lola for this because she was looking forward to her alliance with the Elbaf.

Big Mom tried to save the marriage by replacing Lola with Chiffon but this was found out and this made everything worse in "One Piece" episode 858. Big Mom experimented on how to grow regular people and thus she became a giant. Her size is very intimidating and this is her way of giving up asking the giants to become her allies. Her huge size will definitely be overwhelming for the group in "One Piece" 859.

"One Piece" 859 will likely show the initial part of the ceremony and then will have a huge confrontation towards the end. It is also likely that Bege will unleash Caesar the Clown's power during the wedding to defeat Big Mom. The Straw Hats' plan is not certain but it would definitely be something to look forward to as Luffy hates to lose.