Two presidential candidates for the 2020 elections in the United States of America had been working on their campaign to win the hearts and votes of the diversified American citizens of the US. Joe Biden and Donald Trump had led the country occupying two of the highest position in the government.

Joe Biden is a former vice president to the United States of America who served his country from 2009 to 2017. He now runs for the highest government position in the 2020 elections in the United States.

Donald Trump is the latest president of the United States of America. He is currently in the race for the 2020 presidential elections.

Both candidates have unique strategies in winning the votes of US citizens. Both have been focusing on winning the hearts of the largest population of migrants in the United States: the Latinos. 

With the yearly increasing trend of the Latin migrant population in the United States, the two presidential hopefuls raise their game as they competitively contend for the votes of the Latin voter community.

Joe Biden's campaign team had released to the public Joe Biden's "Todos Con Biden" slogan on Wednesday, October 22. The campaign was announced by Biden and his campaign team during their visit to the states of Pennsylvania and Iowa. This Biden's campaign is geared towards enticing the Latin community to vote for the presidential rival of the current Unites States president Donald Trump. 

Upon knowing the Joe Biden's "Todos Con Biden" campaign slogan, President Donald Trump figured out a way to jeopardize his rival's campaign program. The current president and 2020 presidential candidate had bought the URL for the slogan of Biden's campaign for the Latin community in the United States. 

The current president Donald Trump was able to acquire the URL for Joe Biden's "Todos Con Biden" campaign slogan because the former vice president had failed to primarily reserve its domain name before its public announcement.

President Trump's team had acquired and the @TodosConBiden Twitter account name. This had allowed President Donald Trump and his campaign team to troll Joe Biden's campaign to win the votes of the Latin community in the United States.

As Trump and his campaign team snatch the website and social media name for the "Todos Con Biden" campaign slogan of Joe Biden, his team had used the chance to mock Joe Biden's presidential campaign.

Citizens going to the had been welcomed with a message in the English and Spanish language: "Oops, Joe forgot about Latinos. Joe is a talk."

The site contains a sole link that directly reconnects the website's visitors to the "Latinos for Trump" campaign website.

As the United States of America's 2020 presidential elections near, presidential hopefuls are exhausting every available resource and effort to win the highest position in the country. And some are even going below the belt to get an advantage to the race like in the case of President Donald Trump's stint towards the campaign of the Former Vice President Joe Biden's.