Though on-page optimization can bring in more results as compared to off-page elements, the importance of the latter cannot be ignored as such. In fact, apart from creating stellar content for your website, you also need supporters for your content.

This is where off-page optimization practices such as link building and blogger outreach can help. 

Over the years, SEO has changed dramatically, from a few factors to over 200 of them now used for ranking results in SERPs. The year 2020 is expected to grow more competitive for SEO strategists and digital marketers.

Without wasting your time anymore, here are the most awaited off-page SEO strategies that can take your marketing to the next level in 2020.

  • Step Beyond The Google Search Results

Optimizing the keywords on your website can help you rank in search results. But, without any referring domains or trust flow towards your website, the ranks may soon start to decline. You need backlinks to tap into users' trust and gain their attention. In fact, experts at Outreach Monks suggest that backlinks actually bring in referral traffic as well as the authority to your website. And it is not just Google which considers backlinks for ranking results. Backlinks are true, amongst the primitive signals that any popular search engine uses to rank information in SERPs. An added benefit with high-quality backlinks is the possibility for your content to trigger special feature boxes in Google such as Google Answer Box.

  • Voice Search Is The Next Best Thing

Augmented reality is overpowering the virtual reality in every domain. One of the most effective tools that make use of AR is a voice-based search. In fact, according to a survey, more than half of the total searches on Google will be voice-routed by the year 2020. It is necessary to understand how voice search works if you really wish to be visible before your audience on Siri, or even Alexa! It all starts with your on-page content. Creating your content with user intent in mind, you can very easily optimize your content for these searches. And in case your content starts to trigger featured boxes on Google, it is highly plausible that your content will rank for voice-based searches as well.

  • Try Influencer Marketing For Guest Posting

As already mentioned, keyword optimization for on-page content can help your website rank in search results. But, you need more to propagate the effectiveness of these keywords. Guest posting and link building can help drive the search volume for your desired keywords. Furthermore, you can try using influencer marketing for your link building efforts. An added benefit as stated by outreach monks is- these influencers can help promote your brand, along with directing referral traffic and user-trust to your website. Moreover, these influencers can also, help increase sales for your business by recommending your products before the right audience.

Your off-page efforts can help push in more results for your on-page efforts. Perhaps, this means you need to maintain a clear balance between your on-page and off-page efforts, all along.