U.S. President Donald Trump has continued to earn support as shown in the recent poll showing his job approval rate at a steady 52 percent.

This was according to Rasmussen Reports' Daily Presidential Tracking Poll. A majority of likely voters said that they approve of Trump's job performance.

Trump gained up to three points from Nov. 4, 2020. Those who participated in the survey, 47 percent, said that they disapprove of Trump's performance, according to a Breitbart report.

Former President Barrack Obama saw the same approval rating of 53 percent among likely voters during his 2012 presidential term.

Trump's job approval has remained unwavering above 50 percent since Nov. 6. The president then reached 53 percent on Nov. 11.

The data included in the poll also showed 41 percent of voters said they "strongly approve" of Trump's performance.

However, 41 percent said they "strongly disapprove," which gives him a presidential approval index rating of zero.

The news was released after Trump files legal challenges in various states, accusing of election fraud as the country continues to stand back up from the economic effects brought by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Early Polls

Trump's approval was at a steady 43 percent, while people's ratings of the state of the nation and the U.S. economy are slightly up from September.

Gallup poll reported 43 percent of Americans approving of Trump's job performance, while 55 percent disapproved of Trump's actions.

Related story: Gallup Poll: Trump Job Approval at 42%, Rises 4% from June

The survey also saw a 90-percentage points gap between Republicans', 94 percent, and Democrats', four percent, ratings of the president.

Gallup added that president's approval ratings have the tendency to be politically polarized during their fourth year in the office, when they are seeking for a reelection.

However, Trump's first, second, and third year average ratings showed to be more polarized than any other president's first three years.

Meanwhile, 35 percent of independents said that they currently approve of the job Trump is doing.

U.S. Economy

One of the most mounting concern in the country as of now is the threat of surging cases of COVID-19 and its economic effect.

In addition, there is now new discussions regarding the stimulus check that every Americans are waiting for.

The increase in cases are causing newer reductions in business operating hours and new commercial lockdowns.

Related story: Trump Hails Progress on COVID-19 Vaccine, Says It Could Be Ready in Weeks

Congress and the Trump administration were unable to seal a deal on the type of aid and how it should be extended to businesses and the public during the second wave of the pandemic.

"From a health perspective and as a result from an economic perspective we're really not in a good place, there's really no way to sugarcoat it. We have essentially a fairly long winter ahead of us," Gregory Daco, chief U.S. economist at Oxford Economics, was quoted in a Pymnts.com report.

Daco added that the vaccine progress, as well as the possibility of going back to a new normal in six months' time are very encouraging.

He said, however, that other than being a source of optimism, all of these do nothing for the people today.