United States' Senate passed current President Joe Biden's COVID relief bill, making it possible for Americans to get ahold of the $1,400 stimulus check. The financial help from the federal government is the commitment of the current administration to Americana in response to the toll the COVID-19 pandemic has taken.

USA Today reported that the Democratic-controlled chamber overcame the 100% opposition of the Republicans during a debate that has lasted for 24 hours, making amendments on the law that will provide Americans the help they need in times of turmoil, along with the rolling of the COVID-19 vaccine in every state.

The House is set to vote on the changes applied in the Senate's approved version before the bill reaches the President's office to be signed into law. 

ALSO READ: Pres. Biden Agrees To Limit Eligibility for $1,400 Stimulus Checks

Biden's COVID Relief Bill

The budget approved by the U.S. Senate will not only be transformed to the stimulus plans to be handed out to Americans but will also boost the efforts of the administration in inoculating the American population and immunizing them against the notorious virus. NBC News added that the relief bill will also split to the $300 per week jobless benefits through summer, $3,600 child allowance for a year, $350 billion budget as help for every state, and $34 billion to widen the Affordable Care Act to its subsidies.

The stimulus plan to be given to Americans will be segmented since Biden wants to prioritize Americans who need the financial support the most.

Forbes noted that the American rescue plan backed by President Joe Biden that is approved by the Senate won with a vote of 50-49, pushing the bill one step closer from being a law. Although all the Republicans are not approved of the bill, the Democrats overwhelmed the opposition assuring the bill's approval. However, both parties have amendments in the bill, that are set to be fixed. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer noted that "we tell the American people 'help is on the way.'"

Biden's Relief Bill Impacts

The Republicans are vocal about their opposition to the bill. According to Forbes, the Republicans are not happy about the hefty amount that is given, saying it is unnecessary because the American economy is still in the process of recovery, due to the toll it has taken because of the pandemic. They also noted that the bill is unrelated to the coronavirus crisis the nation is facing.

NBC News added that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel is disappointed at the Democrats as they took a partisan approach, noting that they should not deserve any credit when it comes to the recovery of the American economy. Forbes also shared that some economists and lawmakers view that hefty amount or budget that drives the bill can take serious inflation and trouble the stability of the economy's recovery.

USA Today noted that the COVID relief bill is President Joe Biden's chief legislative priority as he took the office stressing that help is needed by Americans to counter the economic impacts of the pandemic.

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WATCH: Senate passes $1.9 trillion COVID-19 bill - from USA Today