Three Republican states, Arizona, Louisiana, and Missouri, retaliated on Biden adminsitration's plans to rescind the Title 42 expulsion in the borders.

According to Al Jazeera, the Republican-governed states argued that lifting the said program would cause an "unprecedented crisis" at the southern border of the United States.

The Hill reported that the lawsuit filed by Arizona, Missouri, and Louisiana, were aimed at nearly every agency involved with either public health or the border. The outlet furthered that the states listed some 20 defendants, including agencies like the immigration court system.

The said agency had little to do with crafting or enforcement of Title 42 expulsion.

"Defendants' unlawful termination of the Title 42 policy will induce a significant increase of illegal immigration into the United States, with many migrants asserting non-meritorious asylum claims," the lawsuit from the three Republican states argued.

The lawsuit furthered that the termination order on Title 42 would also overwhelm the agencies' capacity to enforce immigration laws at the border.

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt also expressed his thoughts on the order to terminate the policy, contending that Title 42 is an essential tool for controlling the influx of illegal migrants on the Southern border.

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18K Daily Migrant Encounters Possible After Rescinding Title 42 Expulsion - Republican Official Says

Members of the House Republicans have expressed their thoughts on the ending of the Title 42 expulsion, particularly its implications.

New York Representative John Katko said that the current record of migrants trying to cross the border daily is at 8,000, per Washington Examiner. The said number is above the operational capacity of 5,000.

Katko underscored that the current record of daily migrant encounters will increase to 18,000 if Title 42 expulsion goes away. The New York representative also pointed out that issues of unchecked immigration will increase at the same rate.

"This is a national security issue that's going to get worse as time goes on this summer," Katko pointed out.

On Monday, Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Chris Magnus admitted that ending Title 42 will cause an increase in migrant encounters, per New York Post.

"As a result of the CDC's termination of its Title 42 public health order, we will likely face an increase in encounters above the current high levels," Magnus stressed.

Magnus also said that they are doing everything to prepare for the increase and that they will continue to process people humanely. Magnus also underscored that they would impose consequences on those who will break the law.

CDC Announces the Termination of Title 42 Expulsion

On Friday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced suspending the Title 42 expulsion on May 23.

The agency pointed out that the move is made after considering the current public health conditions and an increase in the availability of tools to fight COVID-19.

"The CDC Director has determined that an order suspending the right to introduce migrants into the United States is no longer necessary," CDC said in a statement on Friday.

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This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written By: Joshua Summers

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