Venezuela's government usually hands out thousands of toys to the most impoverished children in the country during Christmas. These range from bicycles to dolls to Chinese-made plastic trucks. This year, however, they handed out action figures that look too much like President Nicolas Maduro.

The action figure of the Maduro-like character is a superhero named Super Bigote, which means Super Mustache. He is clad in red superhero tights, a blue cape, and a red construction helmet.

He is the hero of an animated series on Venezuelan state television titled "Super Bigote." The toys were handed out to poor communities by community organizations with links to the Maduro administration.

However, they did not just hand out action figures resembling Maduro, but also ones that resemble his wife, Cilia Flores, called Cilita in the politically-charged cartoons, according to Infobae.

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Venezuelan Opposition Leaders, Critics, React to Giveaway of Nicolas Maduro-like Action Figures

However, many were not happy with the government handing out these toys to kids in Venezuela. These included not just opposition leaders but also academics.

Critics of the toy giveaways noted that this was a tasteless effort by the Maduro government to indoctrinate children as Venezuelans still struggle to recover from the ongoing economic recession allegedly brought about by Maduro's rule.

They pointed out that Venezuela has suffered food shortages and hyperinflation under him. They said these hardships had forced many Venezuelans to flee the country and try to cross the U.S.-Mexico border in search of a better life.

Belkis Bolivar, a leader at the nation's largest teacher's union, spoke with the Associated Press and slammed the government for prioritizing children's indoctrination rather than more important matters.

The teacher noted that the toys were loaded with political ideology and that Maduro was trying to impose a cult of personality around himself.

She added that "kids who play with these toys may begin to idolize Maduro like they idolize Superman or Spider-Man." Bolivar also lamented the lack of quality education in Venezuela, as well as the lack of a decent healthcare system.

She said the school system in Venezuela is failing, and teachers are underpaid and without social security. To add, she pointed out that hospitals also have little to no supplies, and health personnel have very low salaries.

Super Bigote Cartoon in Venezuela Has Nicolas Maduro-Based Superhero Fight Opposition Leaders And American Villains

In the Super Bigote cartoon, the character who looks like Nicolas Maduro is portrayed as having a superpowered iron left fist.

According to The Guardian, he fights to protect his socialist homeland from the U.S. Empire and a villain who looks like Donald Trump.

One of Venezuela's most prominent opposition leaders, Julio Borges, poked fun at the cartoon, stating that the more appropriate name for the character should be "Super Destroyer of Venezuela."

He posted his thoughts on Twitter with photographs of Venezuelans suffering from the food shortage.

Some of the villains also resembled Venezuelan opposition leaders, with Super Bigote often being shown beating them up with his superpowered iron left fist.

READ MORE: Venezuela: UN Experts Find Human Rights Abuses Still Prevalent Under Nicolas Maduro

This article is owned by Latin Post.

Written by: Rick Martin

WATCH: SúperBigote, Capítulo 1 (comiquita, corto animado) - From Luigino Bracci Roa Desde Venezuela