Throughout Barbie's history, she has held as many as 150 jobs.

And now, she is thinking big by joining LinkedIn, notes Stylist.

Her summary says: "I got my big break in 1959 to inspire girls to dream big..."

The page was created to promote the latest doll, Entrepreneur Barbie. As such, her new job title is Dream Incubator.

"My new business is 'Dream Incubator' where I act as a consultant, helping girls around the world play out their imagination, try on different careers, and explore the world around them," said one of Barbie's updates. "Our company tagline is 'If you Can Dream It, You Can Be it!"

Most of her updates are about other inspiring women. She highlights other businesses or groups created by women, such as Rent the Runway, Girls Who Code and Sugarfina.

She also offers practical career advice.

"My best career tip?" she said in an update. "Get a mentor! I've asked a group of inspirational women - successful entrepreneurs - to share their best business secrets. While you're there, try on different careers with my job-related games, and check out some helpful blog posts, too."

Entrepreneurial Barbie was inspired by real life female entrepreneurs, such as Reshma Saujani of Girls Who Code. Barbie wears a knee-length dress in black and pink. She also carries around a smartphone and tablet. With this newest Barbie, Mattel is hoping to rebrand her as empowered.

There is also a social media campaign surrounding the doll. The #unapologetic hashtag was started to encourage women and girls alike.

"In essence, Barbie is always asked to apologize for what she looks like," said Michelle Chido, a Mattel spokeswoman. "And the message there is to be unapologetic."

Basically, Barbie has gotten the "Life-Size" treatment.