A mother of three in the U.K. gave up her job as a social services worker to entertain kids as Princess Elsa from Disney's "Frozen" after strong positive feedback when doing so once for her daughter's class.

Terri Cheesebrough, 28, from East Hull, first dressed up as the blond-haired, blue-eyed Disney princess when her daughter Phoebe, 5, asked her to dress up as Elsa for a school summer event, according to The Mirror.

There, she told The Mirror, the kids stared at her in awe and parents were also amazed at the resemblance.

"I couldn't believe it when all the parents and friends said I looked like Princess Elsa -- my daughter Phoebe absolutely loves the film Frozen," Cheesebrough said.

Normally a camera-shy individual, she took on the challenge and began accepting requests for appearances at her kids' classmates' birthday parties.

"The response has been fantastic and the kids absolutely love it. In a space of a week, everything took off and I have been so busy ever since -- it's been fantastic. I'm working weekends and some evenings doing appearances -- the support has been fantastic," she said.

After a bout with depression, Cheesebrough quit her council job prior to her debut as Elsa.

"I have always been career driven but took a bit of a knock after suffering with depression and finishing my council job. But I was keen to get back into work and the Princess Elsa job seem to come out of no-where, but just at the right time," she said.

In addition, Cheebrough feels it is a rewarding job, and though she doesn't make much profit -- keeping the price affordable as she is a mother herself and understands the need to do so -- she loves her new job.

She charges 25 British pounds per appearance.

"I am extremely camera-shy and I have never been confident having my picture taken but I've overcome that to do this job, and it's so worth it to see the look on the children's faces," she said.

To listen to the "Frozen" soundtrack, go to Disney.com. Fans can access the movie online via Google Play.