Australian rapper Iggy Azalea is currently embroiled in a peculiar legal dispute. An ex is currently suing her for divorce; however, the rapper vehemently denies she was ever married, arguing her ex only seeks money.

Suing for divorce is Hefe Wine, otherwise known as Maurice Williams, who is arguing that he and Azalea, 24, were in a “common law marriage,” according to TMZ. Wine said the couple "agreed to be married, holding themselves out as man and wife and began residing together in the State of Texas on or about September, 2008."

Texas law states, “a man and a woman who live together for any length of time are considered legally married if they agree to be married and hold themselves out to others as husband and wife,” explains TMZ.

However, Iggy denies she was ever married or ever agreed to such an agreement. She turned to Twitter in an attempt to explain to her fans her side of the story, as well as criticize the media for giving her ex publicity.

According to the Daily Mail Online, Iggy's representative has denied the marriage allegations, claiming Wine is doing this only for attention.

“It's disappointing that this thief, felon and fugitive is continuing to use the media to attack Iggy as part of his desperate and despicable attempt to keep himself in the press,” the statement reads.

However, this is not the first time the two have gotten into legal disputes. They are also embroiled in a lawsuit concerning songs that Iggy wrote while they were together, which he later tried to release following their break up.

“Iggy's federal court complaint froze Mr. Williams' ability to trade on her fame by profiting from music he stole from her,” her management said. “So he has resorted to elevating his predatory relationship with a 17-year-old girl into a sham 'marriage' claim unsupported by any certificate or evidence.”