Wii U game sales could get a boost this November when "Super Smash Bros." comes out, but what about the other games on the horizon for Wii U?

Wii U is two years old and it has largely disappointed in terms of sales. It just hasn't been able to compete with Sony's PlayStation and Microsoft's Xbox.

That all could change in the next few months though. "Mario Kart 8" had phenomenal sales and nearly every Nintendo fan is looking forward to "Super Smash Bros." for Wii U.

"Bayonetta 2" is another game that is already making a splash despite just being released Friday. It has received excellent reviews and it sure could sell quite a few copies.

Here's what Shelly Pearce, Nintendo's marketing boss in the U.K., had to say about the recent surge of game sales for Wii U.

"We've really seen momentum pick up with Mario Kart 8 back in May. That was when we saw a step change, not just in terms of sales but also people's attitudes to Wii U. People are starting to consider buying now, which was cemented by our E3 activity. All the software that we showed then gave people confidence that there were lots of games coming that they wanted." 

Pearce adds that games that are coming out before the Christmas season are important, but there are also many that will be released in 2015 that are just as important.

"Hyrule Warriors" is basically Zelda on steroids. It's been out for almost a month and it is getting great reviews from experts and gamers alike. 

What do you think about the Wii U game console? Will these new games excite you and encourage you to buy a Wii U? Leave us a comment below and let us know what you think.