Earlier this week at the Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport, an unnamed man taunted and dropped anti-gay epithets at another passenger outside of gate terminal C30, attracting attentions by unsuspecting an crowd. When another man in a black cowboy hat tried to intervene and asked the individual why he was so upset, the man began to corner him.

"Queers!" an infuriated homophobic man shouted in disgust. "That's what I'm upset about. This faggot right here."

The man then began a physically assailing the fellow passenger, kicking and slapping him as well as pulling his hair apparently because he was gay and wearing a pink shirt. The crowd sprung into action, with a number of people rushed at the man, tackling the attacker down and holding him until airport police can handcuff and make an apprehension.

The unnamed man then verbally assaulted the officers, smiling and laughing before complaining that the handcuffs were too tight. 

Shortly after the cop reminded the assailant that he has a right to remain silent, an unseen passenger wanted to know why he attracted the man in the pink shirt, to which he tried to explain himself.

"Let me tell you the reason why I did it: Because this is America, that's why," he tells the arresting two black officers at the scene of the incident, stating: "The same reason you get to live and breathe and walk black." A loud gasp is heard from the upset crowd. 

Raw footage by a passerby caught the anti-gay assault on camera. Dated Thursday, Oct. 23, the video shows the ostensibly intoxicated man attacking another unnamed man because he's dressed in a pink shirt is believed to be gay. Towards to end of the clip, the man who shot the footage is identified. Uploaded by Cincinnati resident Andrew Kennedy, as of noon on Oct. 27, the video has received has received over 1.8 million views on Youtube. 

"That guy was crazy absolutely crazy," the videographer Kennedy says on camera, bewildered at the recent events. Kennedy then turned the camera to interview his brother, also an eyewitness. 

"We saw a very troubled man. We hope that he was under the influence of some kind of substance," Neal Kennedy said forthrightly. "Because if he wasn't and that's his true personality, then he's going to have a long road in front of him."

Dallas News' Crime Blog reports that when asked to confirm the video's authenticity, DFW International Airport spokesperson Cynthia Vega said, "Yes, it did happen, and yes, there was an arrest" on Thursday. However, no police report that identifies the man has been released.