Riot Games is launching one of their biggest updates ever for "League of Legends" in preparation for 2015, reports Lazy Gamer.

Patch 4.20 delivers many changes with the big theme being "Strategic Diversity," which is an attempt to widen the tactical options in individual games.

Riot's Chris "Pwyff" Tom explains the strategic diversity concept in the company's 4.20 patch notes:

1. Strategic Diversity

"Our high-level philosophy is we want to offer you more paths to victory so that your in-game decisions matter just as much as the champions you pick," he writes. "In previous years, we've lacked the proper systems and levers to balance different strategies against each other, so when teams would discover unique ways to win, we'd either have to watch Ziggs bomb the stuffing out of people in stall / poke compositions, or we'd just have to tackle the manic yordle on a personal level."

2. Tactical Problems.

"This year, rather than trying to 'fix' tactical problems from the previous season, we're instead introducing a metric ton of changes to map-wide objectives, a complete rehaul of the jungle and jungle itemization, and a number of strategic item additions and modifications," says Riot.

Riot hopes that with these changes, how players strive for victory will vary with each game, thus providing "strategic diversity and experimentation in League."

Due to the enormous size of the update, Riot anticipates imbalance, which the company promises to address "as things play out," reports IGN.

The company encourages player feedback in order to make necessary adjustments.

4 Guides for the 'League of Legends' Patch 4.20

IGN recommends gamers check out the following four developer blog guides that go deeper into the update specifics:

1. Increasing Strategic Diversity

2. A New Jungle

3. Forging a Diverse Armory

4. Diversifying Objectives

Gamers can also refer to the new League of Legends Preseason 2015 microsite for more information.