"Orange Is the New Black" actress Diane Guerrero wants to change lives with her own story and will write a memoir about her family's deportation to do so.

Henry Holt and Company announced Thursday that the actress is working on a memoir scheduled for early 2016, Star Tribune reported. Guerrero, also known for her role in "Jane the Virgin," will write a book titled "In the Country We Love," which will detail her family's deportation in 2000. According to a statement by Holt, the actress will "cast a much-needed light" on the fears of deportation faced by many immigrant families, Fox News Latino reports.

Guerrero was 14 years old when her mother, father and brother were taken from their Boston home and deported to Colombia. Guerrero stayed in the United States while she finished high school at the Boston Arts Academy.

Guerrero first opened up about her family's deportation in an op-ed for the Los Angeles Times where she wrote that she was able to survive in the U.S. with the help of close friends.

"My real story is this: I am the citizen daughter of immigrant parents who were deported when I was 14," she wrote"My parents came here from Colombia during a time of great instability there. Throughout my childhood I watched my parents try to become legal but to no avail. They lost their money to people they believed to be attorneys, but who ultimately never helped."

In an interview with CNN after the op-ed was published, Guerrero discussed how much the deportation has affected her relationship with her family.

"We've been separated for so long, I feel like sometimes we don't know each other. It's difficult," she told the network. "I love them so much. I hate they have gone through this."

Guerrero volunteers for the Immigrant Legal Resource Center where she advocates for immigrants' rights.

Netflix has yet to announce the release date of Season 3 of "Orange Is the New Black." According to rumors, however, new episodes will debut in the summer of 2015 and new episodes will be done filming by the end of this year, BREATHEcast reports.