With the holiday season just around the corner, people across the United States will head to the stores to pick up the latest Grand Theft Auto video game. If you haven't picked up the game just yet but you're familiar with the previous GTA 4 game, there are a few things you'll have to keep in mind -- especially if you plan on entering cheat codes.

First, you'll notice that there is a completely different method for entering cheats in this came compared to the last one. Gamers who were used to Grand Theft Auto 4 would enter the codes through their phone and then they would be able to simply activate each code with one push of a button after it gets saved into the phone. In GTA 5, the difference is that instead of using your phone to enter cheats you can use the D-Pad

Another difference is that the Playstation 3 version of the game will not allow you to follow through with the missions if cheat codes have been entered. The Xbox version does, but keep in mind that you will have to check whether this is the same with the newer generation consoles once GTA 5 is released on Xbox One and PS4.

If you're just getting started with the game, here are some of the top cheats that will be useful in the game:

Lower Wanted Level:

PS3: R1, R1, Circle, R2, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
XBOX 360: RB, RB, B, RT, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left

Max Health and Armor

PS3: Circle, L1, Triangle, R2, X, Square, Circle, Right, Square, L1, L1, L1
XBOX 360: B, LB, Y, RT, A, X, B, Right, X, LB, LB, LB