The new Sherlock season 3 teaser is out and its out with a bang. Fans had to contend with a season 2 finale in which the famous detective is killed. The season finale had focused on the reactions of the show's characters upon hearing the news. It also showed John Watson (Martin Freeman) visiting Sherlock's ( Benedict Cumerberbatch) grave.

Eagerly Anticipated News

This announcement has thrown fans into a tizzy. Season 2 had a viewership of nearly 11 million who tuned in to see Sherlock's demise. The Season 3 trailer comes after two years of speculation about whether the series would be back or not after Sherlock died. However, the trailer which was released on the same day as Doctor Who's 50th Anniversary episode showed the famous detective coming face to face with a clearly shaken John Watson.

The trailer is skimpy on details and that is to be expected as producers don't want to reveal all critical details. Sue Vertue, executive producer for Sherlock, has promised viewers that Season 3 would be worth waiting for and it would have the best storyline ever, notes Mystery Reader Inc.

The show first aired in 2010 and readily became a television sensation. It also turned the leading duo of Cumberbatch and Freeman into stars due to their performances. Sherlock also went on to win several awards and nominations that quickly established its reputation as an eagerly followed television hit series.

The trailer is now streaming on almost every entertainment website for Sherlock fans to see. The show returns to PBS on Jan. 19 at 10pm on U.S. television screens. This does mean that the show will be back to back with the next most popular U.K. import show, Downton Abbey, notes TV Week. 

To increase interest in the series, PBS has announced a new 2-hour special called How Sherlock Changed the World at 9pm on Thursday, December 17th. The program focuses on real life crimes solved with equipment, technique and methods employed by the fictional detective.

The U.K. release date for the third season has yet to be announced and this is unique as for the first time, the show's premiere episode date was revealed in the U.S. first before the U.K.