Lady Gaga believes in shocking the eyebrows off people and every aspect of her presence at the AMA awards was outrageous and exciting, beginning with her ensemble at the awards, to her horseback-based entry and finally, topped by her crazy duet with R. Kelly.

Lady Gaga and R.Kelly At the 2013 AMA

Wearing spectacles and a spangly silver dress, Gaga played a sexy secretary to Kelly's President of the United States bringing to mind the infamous affair of US President Kennedy with Marilyn Monroe and President Clinton's affair with intern Monica Lewinsky. The performance started with Gaga calling up the president and asking him what he wanted for lunch. Kelly seated in a huge office that mimicked the Oval Office watched as the singer gyrated over the stage while singing lyrics from her hit song DO WHAT YOU WANT. Although Kelly was content to stand on the table, Gaga as usual completed an intense routine that employed backup dancers, props and costume changes a plenty. This is not the only time that Gaga and Kelly have shocked audiences. In the November 16th Episode of Saturday Night Live, both stars carried out a vigorous routine that caused eyebrows to rise and jaws to drop.

The single

The single DO WHAT YOU WANT is from Lady Gaga's latest album called ARTPOP which released on November 11th with a launch party at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. More than 2000 fans thronged to the event to attend the launch and to interact with their idol. This album comes almost two years after her second album BORN THIS WAY that released in 2011. The original album has Gaga nude on the cover and this led to it being banned in countries like the Middle East and Indonesia.

Past Performances

Lady Gaga lives for praise from her fans and she does make sure that everyone sits up and notices her mind-bending appearance and concerts. A case in question is the 2013 MTV awards performance with its rapid change costumes that left Will Smith and his family open-mounted in astonishment in those . The star topped the MTV awards with her performance at the 2013 American Music Awards by a clear furlough though.