If zombies have taught us anything, it's that we shouldn't mess with dead bodies. A viral video of a sperm whale exploding shows that disobeying this could end up messy.

A sperm whale was beached on the Faroe Islands, which is located in the North Atlantic. Bjarni Mikkelsen, a marine biologist at the National Museum of the Faroe Islands, decided to cut open the carcass in order to use its skeleton for an exhibit. It was his first time and a memorable time.

Mikkelsen approached the 45-foot body of the sperm whale with care, but nothing could fully prepare him for what would happen next. Once he cut into the whale's body, gas trapped within the carcass exploded. As a result, piles of guts and organs gushed into the air.

"The animal was more than two days old when we took it so we knew there would be some pressure on the inside, but nothing like what happened," Mikkelsen told MailOnline. "We couldn't imagine it would happen like that so it was a little bit more of a surprise."

The heart of the explosion just missed Mikkelsen, but he was not worried about getting whale guts on his clothes or in his eyes; instead he was concerned about everyone else.

"It wasn't a shock," he said. "We had expected something. In the situation I was more worried about something worse happening or anyone getting hurt."

Apparently Mikkelsen's fear was under control because the explosion of guts and organs was too.

"We were cutting along the dorsal part of the animal so when it exploded it did so in a very controlled way," he said.

The whale died alongside another sperm whale after being trapped in a slim channel. His skeleton will still be used in the museum, and the remains of the body are being cut up. The flesh of the sperm whale will be thrown out.

Check out the video of whale exploding below. Beware though, when we say sperm whale gut and organ explosion, we mean sperm whale gut and organ explosion: