A collection of Latino rights organizations from across the United States delivered a firm message to their own Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) this week: "Lead or get out of the way." It came with a petition carrying 10,000 signatures.

The joint petition, with statements released by the leadership of Preente.org, the Florida Immigration Coalition, the National Alliance of Latin American and Caribbean Communities, Promise Arizona, Cuentame, CASA Maryland and Voces de a Fontera, asked a very pointed question to the countries Latino leadership.

"When eight Congressmen stepped forward to be arrested for immigration reform -- including civil rights legend Congressman John L. Lewis -- the only CHC members to join him were Reps. Luis Gutierrez and Raul Grijalva," the statement said. "Four African American Congressmen were arrested fighting for immigration reform, and only two Latinos. Such a situation begs an important question: where was the rest of the Hispanic Caucus?"

Each of the involved parties took their turns voicing dissatisfaction with the HCH.

"In Florida, we are deeply disappointed with the 'do nothings' in the House of Representatives, especially our Latino congressmen, including the CHC," said Maria Rodriguez, executive director of the Florida Immigration Coalition. "We expect our electeds to go to DC to get things done; to represent us. We need leaders that have the courage and ability to make things happen and do what is right, not to be protective of their careers or their party. Otherwise, they don't deserve to represent us and perhaps should stay home instead."

US Rep. Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (D-TX), chair of the caucus, responded that the sentiment was unjustified.

"The Congressional Hispanic Caucus has always been at the forefront of the comprehensive immigration reform debate and has long pushed for fixing our nation's broken immigration system," Hinojosa said to Fox. "CHC members have been and continue to be some of Comprehensive Immigration Reform's strongest champions, fighting for reform up front and behind the scenes. Right now more than ever, what we need is House Republican Leadership to step up to the plate and allow a vote on this critical issue."