"The Flash" has ended after having one of the most successful seasons on TV in recent years and showcased one of the most surprising finales for a TV series.

In the final episode, Eddie (Rick Cosnett), who is part of The Flash team, killed himself in order to stop his descendant Eobard Thawne/Reverse-Flash (Tom Cavanagh). At the end of the episode, the plan worked but the death of the character affected Barry Allen (Grant Gustin), Eddie's former girlfriend Iris (Candice Patton) and the rest of the team who fought alongside him.

However, the death of the character does not mean Eddie will not return for Season 2. Executive producer Andrew Kreisberg noted in an interview with Hollywood Reporter that in the world of The Flash anything is possible and, because of time travel, the character could be back. He stated, "The great thing with our show is just because you are dead doesn't mean you're not coming back. Especially in the world of The Flash, which involves time travel and real hardcore science fiction, there's always a way for Eddie to return and we hope Rick will."

Kreisberg also gave other hints for the next season. He said that Cavanagh will be back.

That most likely means that Reverse-Flash will return and will be stronger than before. He stated, "Tom Cavanagh will be back. That is not in question. Tom Cavanagh will continue to be a regular."

Kreisberg also promised more villains in the new season and more speedsters. He also noted that there would be more surprises for the fans.

The Season 1 finale garnered a huge audience and scored rave reviews. IGN noted that the finale was the best as it delved into characters, story and action with a very good balance. The next season will start shooting in the next few months but first CW will focus on the new spinoff it has been preparing for the last few months.