“Kingsman: The Secret Service” amassed more than $400 million at the global box office and introduced one of this year’s breakout talents, the young British actor Taron Egerton.

Although it placed second to “Fifty Shades of Grey,” 20th Century Fox insiders confirmed to The Wrap in April that a sequel is being prepared. During the time the announcement was made, no details were provided on whether or not director Matthew Vaughn would helm the next installment.

The good news is, Vaughn, himself, revealed via Yahoo! UK that he has already started penning the second movie’s screenplay.

“I'm writing it next door at the moment. If I think I can get the script good enough, then we are making it...  We are doing our damndest to make that happen.”

Vaughn also told Moviefone earlier this year that the second film in the spy film franchise, based on the comic book source material written by Mark Millar, might be focused on the “American branch of the Kingsman.”

The fact that Vaughn decided to return to helm the second “Kingsman” film came a bit surprising to those who knew him best. After all, he is quite famous for his tendency to avoid making sequels.

After “Kick-Ass” succeeded as a cult hit, he dropped the franchise and went on with “X-Men: First Class.” After helming the mutant-centered Marvel blockbuster, he opted not to direct “Days of Future Past” as he was more interested in directing “Kingsman.” That said, directing “Kingsman 2” will be a milestone for Vaughn.

“I am trying to reinvent how to do a sequel at the moment,” Vaughn admitted to Yahoo! UK. “It is tough.”

Fans are hopeful that “Kingsman 2” will push through, especially since Vaughn has a lot on his plate of late, according to the report from The Wrap. Vaughn is going to direct a “Flash Gordon” reboot, a film centered on the life of Eddie “The Eagle” Edwards, and a movie adaptation for “The Golden Age.” Together with Valerie Van Galder, he will also be producing “Ghostgirl.”