Finding true love can certainly be challenging, as women go on their lifelong quest to find one. Now, what if a piece of lingerie can actually detect if you are in love or not? Ladies, say goodbye to unwanted hookups and random one-night stands -- Japanese brand Ravijour launches revolutionary bra that cannot be unhooked without true love.

So how does this work? The high-tech bra comes with an in-built heart rate monitor that syncs and sends a signal to the mobile phone app via Bluetooth. The app then monitors the changes for a few minutes to try to figure out what exactly has caused the increase, and when its wearer's pulse reaches the "True Love Rate," it automatically bursts the bra open during a romantic moment.

The company insists that the app can recognize the difference between a heart rate increase caused by exercise and a sharp spike caused by romantic excitement, preventing the bra from constantly unfastening if a wearer goes for a jog, for example. Moreover, the innovative bra works by detecting heart rate increase, specifically caused by hormone level secreted by the adrenal medulla, the gland that releases adrenalin into the bloodstream.

The launch comes with a bizarre instructional video, which women are seen being harassed by various shady characters, "The Animal," "The Technician" and "The Flashy Guy," who become unsuccessful trying to unclasp a Ravijour bra. The voiceover also suggests that the product can "save" women from unwanted sexual advances.